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Faith & Fandom
Apr 25, 2021
12 Session Study Guide
Excelsior: Finding God in Superheroes
Small Group Curriculum Authors: Stephen Ragon & Lance Horne
Small Group Study

Faith & Fandom
Dec 29, 2020
Batman V Superman: Man VS God

So it's Good Friday 2016. Batman V Superman came out last night and I've watched it twice in 24 hours. I know it hasn't received the...

Faith & Fandom
Dec 29, 2020
Daredevil/Jessica Jones: Fighting for Heaven in Hell's Kitchen
Thanks to the always helpful Netflix, many of us have taken a trip to Hell's Kitchen. No, I'm not talking about the cooking series with...

Faith & Fandom
Dec 29, 2020
Vegeta: No Power
Dragon Ball Z was the first anime I ever watched. It wasn’t really my choice. During my second semester at Bible College I was at a small...

Faith & Fandom
Dec 29, 2020
Halo 5: Toxic Relationships

There are few female video game characters that stack up to modern day gamers like Cortana. Master Chief's A.I. lady friend is as...

Faith & Fandom
Dec 29, 2020
Divergent: The Path To Factionless by Dr. David Powers
Dr. David Powers is an adventurer, philosopher, and cultural architect. Considered a human puzzlemaster, he has a penchant for assembling...

Faith & Fandom
Dec 29, 2020
Doctor Who: The Name Of "The Doctor"

Once people know you are a Whovian one of the first questions they ask is, "Who's your Doctor?" I appreciate the sentiment and I know we...

Faith & Fandom
Dec 29, 2020
Fire Emblem, Fates: Eternal Decisions
Do you remember Blockbuster? It was the company that preceded the almighty Redbox where you rented movies and games. It was a pretty...

Faith & Fandom
Dec 29, 2020
The Doctor: Saving River, By Sunny Fullhart

Sunny Fullhart lives and works as a real estate agent in Central Florida. She leans on Jesus for every decision she makes. She takes...

Faith & Fandom
Dec 29, 2020
The Four Most Deadpool Moments In The Bible
So The Merc with the Mouth finally got the big screen treatment that suited his character. He has been a fan favorite in comics for...

Faith & Fandom
Dec 29, 2020
Star Wars: Stories Worth Passing On

I avoided writing about Star Wars in the first two books for the same reason I avoided Star Trek, Harry Potter, & The Lord Of The Rings,...

Faith & Fandom
Dec 29, 2020
Harry Potter & Being A Seeker, By Harrison Brown
Harrison Brown, whom you may know from - well, you probably don't know him from anything, actually. He typically sticks to writing music...

Faith & Fandom
Dec 29, 2020
Hunger Games and Church Districts

I remember the first time I heard about The Hunger Games was from Timmy Martens. He was sitting in my dining room and complaining about...

Faith & Fandom
Dec 29, 2020
Five Groups You Meet At A Comicon

Starting back in 2010 I began going to comicons. I would usually attend 2 a year, but then after putting my first book out I’ve...

Faith & Fandom
Dec 29, 2020
Clara Oswald: Let Me Be Brave
So I've always wanted to be a hero. Like from the time Ninja Turtles crossed my screen, or the first time I saw that lightning flash...

Faith & Fandom
Dec 29, 2020
The Doctor, River, & The Singing Towers Of Darillium 

After finishing "The Husbands of River Song," I wasn't in love with the episode, or even the concept of the Christmas special, but it...

Faith & Fandom
Dec 29, 2020
Game Of Thrones: Win Or Die

George R.R. Martin's books aren't for everyone. Long before HBO's depiction of the stories I peddled those pages at Waldenbooks. I was a...

Faith & Fandom
Dec 29, 2020
Jackie Craft Cosplay: Building Quality 

I love cosplay. I don't love doing it myself as much, but I love that it exists. I think it makes cons much more lively, gives people an...

Faith & Fandom
Dec 29, 2020
The Walking Dead: Reclamation Of Alexandria 

I've been a reader of the Walking Dead comics for years and the whole Alexandria arc was far from my favorite, but the TV version of it...

Faith & Fandom
Dec 29, 2020
The Flash: Squad Goals

So let me say I was not a Flash fan. I didn't even know any real Flash fans (other than Morgan Leigh Forrest) before the show aired. I...
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